Account Page for Robert Hagerman
Deposit on Account: $750, $315, $150 Hours as of 11/1/2004: 16
Web Site Hosting: Sept: $15
Outside services and Materials: 0
Shipping: 0
Balance on Account: 0
11/01/04: Got faxes. As long as they send you a sample of each to make sure everything fits, then all looks good.
10/15/04: Sent stl and dwg and iges files. Waiting to hear back from Jacffrey.
09/15/04: Here are all the files.
Give the links to the manufacturer for prototypes.
Here are the files for the mount.
Here are the files for the perch:
I included a single support unit for you to get pricing on also.
10/28/03: I finished the final bucket. I used the 2" pipe like you requested. I had to ship the bucket with the cups in, since the laser material was a bit too fragile and the tabs broke when I tried to pull them back out. There are a few minor adjustments that will need to be made when the final mold is made. The next step will be to send the bucket to a manufacturer. There may be some local molders in your area. Get some quotes from them on the cups. I will check with my sources.
10/13/03: The larger cups cost double the smaller ones to produce. I should have the final bucket done this week. After you approve, it will need to go to the molder for an accurate estimate of production costs.
09/12/03: Finished large cup and sent it for you to look at. I made the inserts longer so you could slip the retainers on from inside the bucket. I don't think these will be needed since the new tabs are 1/4" thick and will hold very well. Let me know so I can make them shorter to hold tight to the bucket without the retainers.
09/09/03: Working on the larger cups and perches. Will do only one for your approval before making 4.
in progress (click bird to skip to most recent
Here's the newest revision of the perch cup:
(1) cup and cap All cups and caps Bucket2
Here are the three part that need to be molded
Here are the stl files for the KIT: Insert bucket top0 cups raincap
08/20/03: Sent off prototype. If it is a go, I will set up the website to deal with that specific unit and clear out all the development stuff.
08/04/03: Had to make some adjustments to the cup file. The bucket has a slight curve just before the bottom. File is with the lithographer. Will have the first test piece this week. Will fit it and make any changes before running the rest.
07/30/03: With buckets in and holes drilled, I will be meeting with the laser lithography people next week.
07/08/03: I rechecked all the parts and they seem fine. Let me know if you want me to get you pricing on molding the parts. I can have the whole thing produced for you, and boxed, or I can help you set up your own assembly. Actually, the only thing you would need to do is punch the holes in the buckets and put everything in a box.
05/19/03: Posted the new parts. Next I will need to order the proper bucket and get the actual dimensions needed to fit the cups. The round holes in the bucket may be drilled or punched. I can design you a jig for accurately making the holes on a drill press, or I can build you an hydraulic press. We should probably prototype the cups so you can try them out before going into mass production.
05/16/03: Started designing the new round cups and bucket.
05/12/03: Designed and posted new cups and rain covers.
05/01/03: You liked what we have so far. Do you want me to work on the wind vane part for the current kit. Once everything meets your approval, I will get quotes from several manufacturers.
04/25/03: I need to hear from you about what we have so far. Email Tom
04/21/03: I created a kit that will save a considerable amount on production costs.
Click HERE I will post the stl files tomorrow.
04/15/03: Here are the stl files you can open in solidview.
04/14/03: 5.25 : Designed the main parts. I need to reinforce the rain guard and put the locking mechanisms in the lid and main body.
This is turning clockwise, but it will
unscrew counter clockwise
04/11/03: 2 - Set up site and started design work. Will be posting something on Monday.