The inventions listed here are the personal property of each of the inventors. This is not a public site. Access for any reason other than viewing the invention and contacting the inventor or designer is strictly prohibited. Those accessing this site are doing so for purposes of evaluating the work done by T&G.
These are the ideas of individual inventors that T&G has turned into real inventions. Click Image to View Invention. We have dozens more, but this should give you a good idea of the quality of the work we do. Most of these are just excerpts from the actual sites. The sites themselves are fairly large and go into a lot more detail. These are just a few of the many inventions developed by T&G.
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Liquid Conditioning Hair Brush
Dishwasher Oven
Hunter's Rearview Mirror (email for
presentation system
QuickTouch Nail Polish Dispenser
& You Sheets (way before SplitSheets came out)
Personal Arm Hydration Container